Noticias & Eventos

Seqplexing has been the beneficiary of the Innodocto grant, within the program Promotion of talent of Generalitat Valenciana


Seqplexing has been the beneficiary of the Innodocto grant, within the talent promotion program

This aid has been granted by the Valencian Agency for Innovation in the year 2018 and aims to support the strengthening and development of the Valencian Innovation System. The amount of the same will be used to partially finance the completion of a doctoral thesis in the company, which will develop and validate an application of EOSAL technology to new generation sequencing for genetic diagnosis

Seqplexing Biotechnology Company is developing new genetic tests applicable in clinical and research. Sequencing Multiplex S.L. aims to facilitate the realization of genetic studies with proposals of a high biotechnological component and a high added value, in order to simplify the procedures, allow to reduce the times of obtaining and interpretation of results with maximum reliability



Empresa biotecnológica. Desarrollo de test genéticos aplicables en clónica e investigación. Sequencing Multiplex S.L. pretende facilitar la realización de estudios genéticos con propuestas de un alto componente biotecnológico y un elevado valor añadido, de manera que se simplifiquen los procedimientos, permitan reducir los tiempos de obtención e interpretación de resultados con la máxima fiabilidad