Noticias & Eventos

Seqplexing gets authorization as a health center for genetic diagnosis


Seqplexing has obtained the sanitary authorization to offer services as a genetic diagnosis center

Seqplexing has obtained the sanitary authorization to offer services as a genetic diagnosis center .At Seqplexing laboratory genetic analysis will be carried out to detect point mutations and large rearrangements responsible for hereditary diseases, detection and quantification of somatic mutations by NGS, identification and quantification of chimeric genes responsible for myeloproliferative diseases, among other genetic alterations. Preventive genetics studies will also be carried out, as well as services tailored to the needs of each client through customized designs and developments



Empresa biotecnológica. Desarrollo de test genéticos aplicables en clónica e investigación. Sequencing Multiplex S.L. pretende facilitar la realización de estudios genéticos con propuestas de un alto componente biotecnológico y un elevado valor añadido, de manera que se simplifiquen los procedimientos, permitan reducir los tiempos de obtención e interpretación de resultados con la máxima fiabilidad